I landed at sfo and cheerily made my way thru customs with the aid of global entry. I dropped my bags off at the transfer spot and then got wifi as I was walking to the terminal to go to my next gate. And it turns out my flight was cancelled. Good news is I was in sfo and not lax. And My cousin Adam lives in Berkeley!

I checked in to the Hyatt downtown because all I wanted in life was a shower promptly. It was great. I got to check in early, they dealt with my 70kg of luggage with no problem. And then I took the Bart (metro) over to Berkeley to meet Adam. Above is the clock tower first built in 1840 or something.

The campus is very beautiful. Despite massive expansion they have maintained lots of tree and creeks and what not. The trees above looked like ginger root to me. Apparently in the summer they are quite pretty

We went up the tower and got great views. Can just see San Fran in the fog in the distance.

We walked to adams house in a gorgeous sunset.

View from his back porch. He has an amazing house!

With a real yard.

I took a walk through the neighborhood and admired the diverse and interesting architecture.

I then found a brewery (as I do). Great beers and also super cheap compared to NZ prices! Great surprise trip. It really felt like I hadn't left auckland (except for the prices). And also, auckland is super clean, which I didn't really notice until I came to a normal city! Cheers! (Which all the Americans thought I was a wee bit odd for saying at the end of every interaction)

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