I drove up after work Saturday so I could be in Burke in time to help scout an upcoming wanderbirds hike. We headed to a section of the AT in Maryland, near greenbrier lake.

View from the first Washington
Monument. Apparently George was really big around here.

Mom and I and her "hiking daughter" Rennie.

The monument was cordoned off as it had been struck by lightening.

The lake was quite pretty but the beach side was absolutely mobbed. We quickly left the crowds.

Looking across at the beach. We could still hear the commotion!

Back up to the AT. almost exactly in the middle. We didn't see any thru hikers, as they are meant to be much farther north by now.

I hadn't realized the AT crosses a major highway. Nice bridge though!

Afterwards we went to Middletown, and random town hear the trail. We had an excellent lunch at a place called the main cup.

And the town was super cute and well landscaped. Sunday fun day!