For day 3, we went for a nice run around the Jackie Kennedy Onassis reservoir in Central Park. Pics above from all sides of the oval.

The we struck out to Williamsburg for a beer tour. You can pay for these, but it seemed easier to go to a few pubs at our own pace and only drink beers (or in Kerri's case, ciders) that we liked.

Very momentous occasion at the first pub. I hit 1000 beers on untappd! The bartender gave me my beer for free and also put the bottle in a place of honor behind the bar (just in front of gawdy Jesus you can see in the background)

For my 1001st beer, I ordered a doppelbock from Germany. When I ordered it, the bartenders were aghast. "Wow, you really know beer!"

Next stop was a Biergarten with love music. It was pretty crowded but we found a spot at the edge of a table. Kerri had told be about the new trendy Brooklyn thing, freeganism. This is where you only eat free stuff. We decided to try it, eating our neighbors fries after they left :)

I continued on with my doppelbocks. Celebrator came with a pendant around the bottle! When I was in Germany, Jesse and I figured out that any beer ending in -ator (pronounced otter), would be good. Kerri googled this, and turns out it is because doppelbocks were first brewed by the Paulaner monks as "liquid bread" during their fasting. They named the first Salvator, after the Lord. The name stuck, and the Paulaner had to trademark it. So everyone else changed their doppelbock names to some variation of "ator". Beer history for the day. Cheers!

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