We spent some time in the car park organizing our stuff before heading out to Douglas rock hut. While it said 10 hours, it was only supposed to be 25k....

Such a beautiful day.

Nick, my hero, packing 16 beers, a bottle of champagne, and a bottle of wine in his pack. Also most of our food. It was up to my waist!

Away we go!

The track alternated between forest and river/boulders.

Along the Copland river.

Another distance selfie.

Gorgeous glacial waters.

Nick braved the cold waters while I stuck to shore.

Continuing on one of many many bridges. This was a nice stable one. We had three wire bridges in our future that would be quite high.

Carrying on up the valley.

I quite like the color of the water :)

And after 3 hours (sign predicted 4) we arrived at our lunch spot of architect hut!

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