Do not be alarmed. This post is going to be a lot more photos than text about work. But since the world requires $$ to live in it (and I like good beer, nice hotels, and lots of travel) I needed to go back to work. I am lucky enough to also enjoy my method of earning money, surgerizing! So to combine all of my loves, I found a "part time" surgery gig in North Carolina.

For reasons that are not clear, I was fortunate enough to find a practice that agreed to my terms of working when I'm working, and off when I'm off. And I make my own schedule. And I live in Pinehurst, which is smack dab in the middle of DC, Charlotte, Conway, and Chesapeake. Where the vast majority of people that mean a lot to me live. (Still require some plane rides around the country and to NZ, but DCA is a good hub)

In addition, I managed to find a one bedroom condo, on Pinehurst #5, furnished, for pretty cheap rent. And great sunset views. On my first night in town I enjoyed a lovely walk around my new neighborhood.

I added some personal touches to the condo. My favorite was the pillow cover Lucy made me as a going away present. When the maids came last week, they put the country upside down. But quickly fixed :)

While here, I generally work every other day. That means on my work days, I go for a run at 7pm. And get great sunsets. Although in the below, I took sunset pics on my way to the village for st Patrick's day, the night after my first 24 hours of work.

I guess I should write a little about work. My main adjustments back to US medicine involve billing. I am getting used to billing for everything (and documenting appropriately). In a typical insurance twist, Medicare will only let a doctor apply for "priveleges" to see there patients (ie get paid) 30 days in advance of their start date. However, Medicare has 60 days to approve the application

And many insurers follow this rule. So this means that I still (2 weeks after my start date) can't see patients with Medicare and other insurance. So my partners come in and see them and bill for them. Ridiculous.

So back to sunsets, they really are wondeful in North Carolina.

I went ony first long run in awhile around lake Pinehurst. I mapped my run in miles. But ran in km. luckily knew a shortcut home after 10k so I didn't run 13 miles instead of 13k!

More late night runs after work!

I'm also lucky to have Raleigh nearby, as well as good friends there. After a nice morning excursion to trader joes and target (not in Pinehurst), I headed to lake Jordan for a trail run.

Forgot about ticks :/. But a great run.

The only issue with my place is some hornets coming from below the balcony. I created a fake nest in hopes of deterring them. I don't know that it worked. But I was proud of my effort.

And I'm slowly finding more runs. Below is the arboretum.

And the greenway.

Love th tulips!

Tonight, 2/3 of the way thru my stretch of work, I had resolved to walk to the village after work. It was rainy and cold, but I was motivated. 1.7 km to the pub is totally normal in my auckland world. But over a mile to the bar in the U.S. sounds more extensive. Either way, good wLl, good food, good beer, and good live music. I could have a worse life. Cheer!s!

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