I woke up to another beautiful morning on Wednesday, Gail's birthday. I really enjoyed the walk to conference every morning!

After conference the skies were getting more blue.

I spent some time in the gym and in the condo. Turned into a beautiful day, first day without active snow during the day.

Some of our icicles.

Day isn't complete without the hottub...

Then Kerri and I went sledding with the WTA. It was a bit of a short slope, but lovely views, just at sunset.

Kerri took a few pictures of me, and then I took some of her.

Here comes Kerri.

Sunset from the slopes

After sledding, we headed to Tomboys for some hot chocolate. They had smores as well. Great meeting!

And then back to the lodge for Gail's birthday. Excellent evening with a little bit of everything!

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