Saturday morning I enjoyed a stroll around the 14th street area in search of a brunch spot. I lucked into an awesome spot called Maddys Tavern. I enjoyed an amazing omelette and some great brews, as well as excellent weather.

That afternoon John and I headed to RFK for the DC United soccer game. We had a bit of tailgating, I learned a new out doors game (with no clear name, but involves knocking over wooden pieces), and the headed into the game.

Sunday I had to check out of the hotel, but had a full day of meetings. During the break between the conference and the dinner, I took a walk over to the White House.

More gorgeous tulips.

The black squirrels were new since I was last in the states. Apparently some escaped from the zoo and interbreeded...

Despite growing up in the DC area, I had actually never been to see the White House. Nice place :)

That night we had a fantastic dinner with speaker General Stan McCrystal, former JSOC commander.

Monday brought another lovely day in our nations Capitol. Between sessions at the conference I tried to get outside as much as possible.

Smithsonian castle on the way to the metro.

Some ominous clouds on the way home.

For our final day we headed up to the Capitol to talk to our senators and representatives. The scaffolding is still up. I think it will be for several years. But some gorgeous tulips!

And part of the building with no scaffolding :)

I'm pretty sure this is Ulysses S Grant.

At the botanic gardens, even more tulips :) sensing a theme.

Great long weekend in DC. I enjoyed playing tourist and also learning a lot in my meeting!
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