For Easter Sunday we headed out on a hike with the wanderbirds, my moms hiking group. We hiked at Penn Mar, which as the name suggests is on the Pennsylvania Maryland border. I didn't technically step into PA, so I would only get in 4 states + DC in my 6 days off :)

While only about 6-7 hours drive from NC, spring was no where near penn mar. Amazing difference compared to Pinehurst.

We planned to lunch at high point rock, but the massive wind gusts and cool temps meant we just took some pictures and kept walking!

Jesse and Moms new favorite pose.

Great views despite the wind.

I was pretty sure I might take off during this picture. This is where th hang gliders take off...

Unfortunately the Rock has become a Mecca for graffiti.

I think this is looking over Pennsylvania? Of note this is the actual mason Dixon line. Many people (particularly those in Maryland) think the line is between virginia and Maryland.

We ended at the park. We had been on the AT for the hike. Very well marked. Didn't see any thru hikers though, too early in the season I suppose.

Plenty of time for post hike brews. Also a little chilly but at least we had sun.

It was almost moms birthday so she had much celebration and cake!

Plus two other birthdays, so I had more sugar that I'd had in the past month! A great hike and great way to spend a Sunday!

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