We arrived on water island and promptly rented a golf cart. It seemed to be the primary means of transport on the island.

We headed out to explore and soon found honeymoon beach.

Interesting hills to take in the golf cart!

We settled in at Heidi's cafe for some lunch and beers.

And enjoyed some relaxation on the beach.

We got back in the cart to go for a spin around the island. It's not terribly huge. :)

The local SAR vehicle.

Flamingo point.

Up at fort sagurra. Apparently during World War Two the us thought it needed a fort down here. It was never used.

Great views though!

John Deere golf cart.

And sign and tractor to match....

Looking out over limestone bay. Then we had to figure out how to get there......

We made our way down a trail and arrived on the beach. This is called the tree of lost souls, and all the shoes that wash up get hung here...

We enjoyed our own private little beach.

Hammock looked a little rough.

And then back to the dock to catch the ferry to St Thomas. Wonderful afternoon over on water island!

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