Saturday brought the beer festival. Couldn't have had a better day for it. Blue skies and sunny but not oppressively hot.

We paced ourselves quite well, managing to get through 5 hours of beer tasting without excessive drunkenness.

Note the sign in the background.

The organizers roped off the veterans memorial to keep stupid drunk people off it. Good plan.
We spent a good deal of time on the courthouse steps, as there was shade. Only in Asheville can you drink on the court house steps...

At one point we found the booths with tattoos. Always a good plan.

Still going strong!

After the festival ended we attempted to go on the Asheville historic urban hike. There are bronze placards on the sidewalk to teach some history.

Unfortunately these proved difficult to find and often unrelated to the structure they were next to.

But still enjoyed a walk around town.

Because the festival wasn't enough beer....we headed to thirsty monk that night for more!

The omnipollo brewery from Sweden. While pollo undoubtedly does NOT mean chicken in Swedish, it was dubbed the omnipotent chicken anyways. And at 11% it wasn't messing around.

Finished up at a piano bar close to the hotel. Very talented players and some entertaining bachelorette parties. Very impressed with my stamina to make it all the way to midnight! Cheers!
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