For the first weekend in June I headed up the road to Raleigh for my first half marathon since returning to the States. Packet pickup was conveniently right across the street from a World of Beer. Which was right next to a Yardhouse! This equates to literally 500+ beers within a 1 block radius! I started with a local NC flight.

And was then super soles to find a yeastie boys IPA! The only NZ beer I had previously found was a few Moas, which are kind of like the Sam Adams of NZ. Not bud light or anything, but not true micro/craft. Motueka hops are amazing.

One different thing about races in the states is the start time! I got up at 530 am to head out to the 7am start! It was a great race, mainly in the greenways so a little cooler! Wicked humidity though! I stayed under 2 hours so happy! The winner did it in 1:13!

Post race we headed over to the farmers market and got some goats milk chocolate gelato. Appropriate breakfast :)

For the afternoon we embarked on a self guided beer tour. Flight of beer and cheezits. Heaven for me!

Crank arm was our first stop. Great brews and my favorite of the three in terms of set up and bartender knowledge/friendliness. Plus, they had onesies :)

A beer tour (an official one) showed up and mobbed the place so we headed outside to finish up.

The up a very large hill to Boylan Bridge Brewpub. Worth the walk for the view of the city.

We hopped in the car, as Christina kindly was drinking way less than me and could drive, and attempted to find Neuse River Brewing. We found it, but they dont appear to have a tasting room yet. So we settled upon Nickelpoint. The beers were decent, but I really was in love with Crank Arm. Photo cred to Christina! Cheers!

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