For my last day in zermatt we headed up to gornergrat, the last of the three peaks. We took the train part way up to riffelalp.

Another day with cloud cover. But again useful when hiking so much elevation.

There are a few trails from riffelalp....we took mark twain weg.

Walking into riffelalp resort in the mist.

We would come back later in clearer skies.

The resort looked like a ghost town in the mist.

Some local sheep as we walked.

We continued up and up.

I stopped at one point to wait for mom and Jeannie on the steeper bits. As I looked over the valley over just a couple minutes the views kept changing literally by the second.

Lovely panorama views appeared as the clouds cleared.

And the Matterhorn in the distance.

The resort below in the distance.

And then more mountain!

We made it up to riffelberg, our first stop on the walk. Still a good bit of clouds.

The ski gondolas aren't on today. I can imagine in winter this place is packed!

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