After making our way back down from the glacier we set out for the Hannig trail. We walked across town and got a good bit of elevation before we even left the roads!

Plenty of beautiful churches here. And below a restaurant schaferstube, same as the wonderful one we went to the night prior.

We continued in our upward journey and reached Alpenbrick. Gorgeous hutte nestled in the woods overlooking the city.

Beautiful flowers.

As we took pictures and contemplated which trail to take next, about a 100 goats appeared with a goat herder in front. He asked us, first in German and then in English, to stand in front of the flowers to protect them from the goats. He then continued up calling "haaaauuut. Haaaauuut".

The goats arrived and scattered every which way. They were not deterred by our presence. We soon learned you had to yell at them and wave your hiking poke around to have any hop of deterring them.

The goats arrived and scattered every which way. They were not deterred by our presence. We soon learned you had to yell at them and wave your hiking poke around to have any hop of deterring them.

Mom took pictures as the goats went all over.

Tried to convince this one to join the group.

Eventually they all started up the hill.

As did we. We stuck to the trails.

Heading towards from Alpenbrick, bob, Amanda, Jesse and I decided to go to Hannig where there is a gondola down.

Some straggler goats.

Next hutte on the fairly steep trail. Getting more misty and rainy.

Wonderful to see the clouds rolling over the city from this vantage point.

This time just chickens, no goats. We didn't need to herd them.

More clouds coming!
A fairly random barn almost to the top. We were on the sonnenweg so there were informative signs about the sun and plants and what not along the way, including on this building.

A fairly random barn almost to the top. We were on the sonnenweg so there were informative signs about the sun and plants and what not along the way, including on this building.

Made it to the hutte just in time as the rain really started. Happy to go inside where it was warm and dry.

View from indoors. With more rain we chose to take the gondola down rather than walk.

But first a cardinal beer of course! This day was allegedly only 3 miles (1 mile of which was the glacier) and 2000 ft. So around 950 feet per mile for the last two miles! It certainly made it feel much longer!

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